Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I am Officially Old! (Sort of)

     Day 19                                                                                                            Tuesday

Sung to the tune of "Happy Birthday"   
Happy birthday to me,
everyone that I see, says that I look older,
oh look, new false teeth.
  I just composed this beautiful masterpiece for myself to introduce to you the truth that yes, it was my birthday last week! Tadaaaa!!!!!!!!  (Fireworks go off in the background, marching band plays)  Also, even though this has probably been figured out by many individuals besides myself, if you ever go somewhere or do anything sociable and someone figures out that it's your birthday (and usually that person yells it out to everyone in the vicinity) you will be bombarded with singing and other such enthusiasm. 
I was camping with my friends and a bunch of families so I was sung happy birthday (no joke) around ten times throughout the entirety of the day.
First when it turned midnight, then when we got up in the morning, then at lunch and so on.
Don't you love getting up at seven in the morning and get eaten by mosquitos while freezing to death?
I think I must since I keep on going camping.
  You know what's fun?  Screaming your head off and yelling random songs across the whole campground at eleven o'clock at night. I feel bad for the other people in the campground trying to sleep though... sorry peoples I don't know.   So that was most of the happenings of my birthday in a nutshell. Hope you enjoyed it, I know I did! :P
     Grace Yacht

1 comment:

  1. Oh Look who's feet it is! BTW Happy birthday... again! :)
