Saturday, July 27, 2013

Home Sweet Home

     Day 17                                                                                                                     Saturday

  I'm home from SSI!  Feeling exhausted but accomplished, happy to be home but sad that it's over.  SSI was so amazing! Hard (really and truly it was one of the most difficult things I've ever done) but amazing.
  Alright, the next few lines are going to be extra mushy so brace yourselves.
I met so many amazing people this week, and they they all made an impact on me, each in their own special way.  Also, I learned so much! Not just from the teaching sessions but from the Aid-de-camps (There like camp counselors and drill sergeants all rolled up in one) they were so encouraging when I was stressed out about my speech and they were so much fun.
  Here's a list of the different personalities of the friends I made at SSI.
  1. The one who speaks their mind
  2. The one who keeps everyone focused 
  3. The funny one
  4. The one that everyone knows their nickname but not their real name.
  5. The OCD one
  6. The really nice one
  7. The excentric one
  8.  The one that gets us up on time and in bed on time
  9. The giggly one
  10.  The one who goes out of their way to get to know you
All of them were so much fun and I couldn't have got through the week without them.
  God bless everyone of you!
     Grace Yacht

Friday, July 19, 2013

So Long Farewell Auf Wiedersehen Adieu

     Day 16                                                                                                                   Friday

  So on Sunday I'm going to camp, I'm really excited, it's my first year, so I don't fully know what to expect.  
I finished packing today; I have three full bags of stuff, plus a sleeping bag, pillow and a fan.
Three bags is definitely overkill, but my excuses are two of them are small and one of the small ones is half a hoodie and the other half is three pairs of shoes. Oh, and my excuse for so many pairs of shoes is, one of them is tennis shoes because they ask you to bring a pair of shoes for running around in, the second pair are fancy shoes since they ask you to bring nice shoes because we have to dress up one day and the last pair are the only ones that it wasn't
necessary for me to bring,On a normal basis I just go barefoot or flip flops . So there.
  My cat whenever I come home from a sleepover or something that's over night, she spends the next whole day walking in front of me, rubbing her face on my face, purring and getting in my way by being cute, so I don't know how she'll react to my being gone a whole week.

Had to spend five minutes cleaning my camera lense after this shot. 
  Well, I have to bid you farewell, so long old chap, old buddy, old pal. Until next time!
     Grace Yacht    



Friday, July 12, 2013

I Like Being Bored it Passes the Time

     Day 15                                                                                                                   Friday

  For the past week and a half our house has been the busiest it's been all year; first as I already said in my last post, my cousin, aunt and Grandma came through Independance day, and the same day they left our friends from Montana arrived and stayed till Wednesday!
My sister is best friends with the oldest girl in that family and they were planning for almost half a year for my sister to go to Montana for a month with them, they were supposed to get here around three weeks ago but plans changed a lot so just last week they came and now they're gone and my sister went with them and she's staying there until the second week of August.
The house is pretty quiet now that she's gone, since my brother has work he's gone too during most of the day, my older sister is married so obviously she isn't here either.
I'm thankful for the quiet after all the busyness and little kids running around yelling but having whole days with nothing to do is really boring.
I do have tons of stuff I'm looking forward to doing but there are days in between where I'm so bored, like yesterday for example, I had nothing better to do so I read a full 352 page book that I had gotten out from the library and had been putting off reading for weeks. 
  My schedule for today - Stay home and do nothing.
My schedule for tomorrow - Stay home and do nothing, until around seven in the evening then I get to go to my friends house and stay the night and go with them to their church to see her (my friend) get baptised! 
I know I sound super spoiled since I get to sleep over at my friend in just one day, but if you have ever gone one full day at home with nothing to do but clean you understand how slow the sun moves from the east to the west.
     Grace Yacht
P.S. The back of the seat I'm sitting on just fell off... Ow. 
P.P.S. Random fact: I like plaid and beaches but I don't wear plaid to the beach...
P.P.P.S.  It's cool when a hot air balloon floats right above you. :)
P.P.P.P.S. I should stop while I'm ahead (of lettuce) but I shall never be a vegetable so carry on. Really though, I should go. LOL that rhymed.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Another Holiday has Come Upon us

     Day 14                                                                                                                     Tuesday
  As you all know Fourth of July is coming up! That means fireworks, sparklers, friends, family, sugar coated food and all that jazz. 
In our family we like last minute surprises so we still have absolutely no idea what were doing on the fourth;  All I know is that my aunt, Grandma and cousin are all going to be here with us from tomorrow till the fifth.  
In the end everything usually works out though, last year we got lost for about a half an hour before we found our friends.
Every year we go on at least one mini adventure each holiday, but if you would like to stay alive and happy you have to not take anything seriously and just go with it, because if you don't stay calm you get really stressed and then you pass out. 
To tell the truth Fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays, just the other night you could see fireworks through the trees from our back porch and I really don't mind having to listen to them at night even if I can't see them.
  A couple days ago I was reading a book in bed and my Dad came upstairs and said there was something I should see, he called everybody else too and so we went outside on the back porch and you could see the whole valley lit up with hundreds of fireflies and there were fireworks exploding from all different neighborhoods, it was pretty awesome.
One of the coolest things (I think) about the Fourth of July is ever since the movie Tangled came out every year people set off the floating lanterns and every once in a while you can see one floating away. 
Since I probably won't write another post until after the fourth, 
                                                 HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY AMERICA!!!
     Grace Yacht