Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I Dreamed a Dream...

     Day 21                                                                                                                     Wednesday

  Dreams are odd things, I had a very long and complex dream the other night which consisted of buzz lightyear, Owl City, a hamburger, gymnastics and that huge pile of bricks from Wreck it Ralph.  Sounds weird right? Trust me it was and I only gave you the bare minimum of what all happened. 
Dreams are like tons of totally different stuff that's happened in your life all jumbled up into something that only slightly resembled the stuff it started out as.
Imagine this, you take a magazine or a book you read today and then you take what you ate for breakfast plus just random pieces of junk you've acquired over time  and dumped it all in a blender with some pomegranate juice and put the speed on high for ten minutes, the end product isn't going to be something that makes sense now is it?
(that was the weirdest analogy ever created...) 
I don't normally dream that often but my sister decided to set her alarm for an unearthly time in the morning which since we sleep in the same room woke me up too, at least it woke me up enough to groan and then fall back to sleep. It was the type of sleep when you're really only three fourths of the way asleep, so my brain decided it was bored and needed to entertain itself till ten in the morning. 
I know you're thinking "Oh you slept in till ten in the morning? That would be awesome!" But you are sadly mistaken because when you dream for hours on end before you wake up when you do your rather confused and groggy and not to mention tired.
     Grace Yacht


Saturday, August 24, 2013

Spring Cleaning in the Summer

     Day 20                                                                                                                Saturday

  Yesterday we got a new washer and dryer because our old (and I mean old as in ten years old.) washer had started leaking across the bathroom floor, so what better time to replace both of our ancient household appliances.
So the day before the people who are going to come and install our new cleaning machines come we have to drag out the old W and D, (W and D stands for washer and dryer if you didn't already get that... I hope you did get that though for the sake of the human race.) and so they got them both dragged out of there (don't ask me how they did it.) and now left on the walls and floor where the things used to reside was loads of black and gray gunk. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!
We figured out that it was dust, years and years of dust built up... And now we have to clean it, doesn't that sound like fun. We got out a bucket, some rags and a scrubber tool thingy and we filled the bucket with water and soap. My brother got rid of most of the gluck on the floor and then Mom made me go in there and scrub the walls, somewhere around an hour later the room was finally clean and ready for the new W and D.
Now finally the two machines we put so much work into getting ready for are finally installed and this morning we used them for the first time, and we discovered something about them that made all that work worth it, when they are done cleaning or drying your clothes the machines play a little tune for you to tell you it's done instead of blaring out a loud beeping noise. 
The little things that make your day. :)
     Grace Yacht

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I am Officially Old! (Sort of)

     Day 19                                                                                                            Tuesday

Sung to the tune of "Happy Birthday"   
Happy birthday to me,
everyone that I see, says that I look older,
oh look, new false teeth.
  I just composed this beautiful masterpiece for myself to introduce to you the truth that yes, it was my birthday last week! Tadaaaa!!!!!!!!  (Fireworks go off in the background, marching band plays)  Also, even though this has probably been figured out by many individuals besides myself, if you ever go somewhere or do anything sociable and someone figures out that it's your birthday (and usually that person yells it out to everyone in the vicinity) you will be bombarded with singing and other such enthusiasm. 
I was camping with my friends and a bunch of families so I was sung happy birthday (no joke) around ten times throughout the entirety of the day.
First when it turned midnight, then when we got up in the morning, then at lunch and so on.
Don't you love getting up at seven in the morning and get eaten by mosquitos while freezing to death?
I think I must since I keep on going camping.
  You know what's fun?  Screaming your head off and yelling random songs across the whole campground at eleven o'clock at night. I feel bad for the other people in the campground trying to sleep though... sorry peoples I don't know.   So that was most of the happenings of my birthday in a nutshell. Hope you enjoyed it, I know I did! :P
     Grace Yacht

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Blond is my brain type not my hair color

     Day 18                                                                                                                    Sunday

  I went to a baseball game last week with my friends and I actually had fun, surprisingly.
Normally baseball games are super, duper, uper boring.
You get there, you sit there waiting for the game to start and then it does and you're still bored.
But me and my friend were allowed to buy some food (by the way ballpark food isn't the best quality) and we kept on getting more pop, which made us really hyper and I had a camera so we were taking pictures of the randomest things.
  These aren't very common, but you know those bathrooms that have two doors on either side of the room and you can only open the exit door from the inside and not the entrance?
Well I had never seen one of those until last week at the ballpark and apparently neither had my friend, so even though their is a huge EXIT sign plastered on the wall next to the exit I and my colleague do the intelligent thing (of course) and try and push open the entrance...
And is that where our high intellectuality ends? Not even close, the next two times we enter the facility, even though we know the EXIT door is over there on the opposing wall we still try and push open the entrance. (Blond moments)
I think if  I'm remembering this correctly the team we were supposedly rooting for lost.
  Oh and the whole game at all the pauses/intervals the speakers would play one third of a song and then stop and then play another one third of a song and so on until the game started up again, for some reason they never played a whole song, it's still a mystery to me. 
I should write a book. 
     Grace Yacht

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Home Sweet Home

     Day 17                                                                                                                     Saturday

  I'm home from SSI!  Feeling exhausted but accomplished, happy to be home but sad that it's over.  SSI was so amazing! Hard (really and truly it was one of the most difficult things I've ever done) but amazing.
  Alright, the next few lines are going to be extra mushy so brace yourselves.
I met so many amazing people this week, and they they all made an impact on me, each in their own special way.  Also, I learned so much! Not just from the teaching sessions but from the Aid-de-camps (There like camp counselors and drill sergeants all rolled up in one) they were so encouraging when I was stressed out about my speech and they were so much fun.
  Here's a list of the different personalities of the friends I made at SSI.
  1. The one who speaks their mind
  2. The one who keeps everyone focused 
  3. The funny one
  4. The one that everyone knows their nickname but not their real name.
  5. The OCD one
  6. The really nice one
  7. The excentric one
  8.  The one that gets us up on time and in bed on time
  9. The giggly one
  10.  The one who goes out of their way to get to know you
All of them were so much fun and I couldn't have got through the week without them.
  God bless everyone of you!
     Grace Yacht

Friday, July 19, 2013

So Long Farewell Auf Wiedersehen Adieu

     Day 16                                                                                                                   Friday

  So on Sunday I'm going to camp, I'm really excited, it's my first year, so I don't fully know what to expect.  
I finished packing today; I have three full bags of stuff, plus a sleeping bag, pillow and a fan.
Three bags is definitely overkill, but my excuses are two of them are small and one of the small ones is half a hoodie and the other half is three pairs of shoes. Oh, and my excuse for so many pairs of shoes is, one of them is tennis shoes because they ask you to bring a pair of shoes for running around in, the second pair are fancy shoes since they ask you to bring nice shoes because we have to dress up one day and the last pair are the only ones that it wasn't
necessary for me to bring,On a normal basis I just go barefoot or flip flops . So there.
  My cat whenever I come home from a sleepover or something that's over night, she spends the next whole day walking in front of me, rubbing her face on my face, purring and getting in my way by being cute, so I don't know how she'll react to my being gone a whole week.

Had to spend five minutes cleaning my camera lense after this shot. 
  Well, I have to bid you farewell, so long old chap, old buddy, old pal. Until next time!
     Grace Yacht    



Friday, July 12, 2013

I Like Being Bored it Passes the Time

     Day 15                                                                                                                   Friday

  For the past week and a half our house has been the busiest it's been all year; first as I already said in my last post, my cousin, aunt and Grandma came through Independance day, and the same day they left our friends from Montana arrived and stayed till Wednesday!
My sister is best friends with the oldest girl in that family and they were planning for almost half a year for my sister to go to Montana for a month with them, they were supposed to get here around three weeks ago but plans changed a lot so just last week they came and now they're gone and my sister went with them and she's staying there until the second week of August.
The house is pretty quiet now that she's gone, since my brother has work he's gone too during most of the day, my older sister is married so obviously she isn't here either.
I'm thankful for the quiet after all the busyness and little kids running around yelling but having whole days with nothing to do is really boring.
I do have tons of stuff I'm looking forward to doing but there are days in between where I'm so bored, like yesterday for example, I had nothing better to do so I read a full 352 page book that I had gotten out from the library and had been putting off reading for weeks. 
  My schedule for today - Stay home and do nothing.
My schedule for tomorrow - Stay home and do nothing, until around seven in the evening then I get to go to my friends house and stay the night and go with them to their church to see her (my friend) get baptised! 
I know I sound super spoiled since I get to sleep over at my friend in just one day, but if you have ever gone one full day at home with nothing to do but clean you understand how slow the sun moves from the east to the west.
     Grace Yacht
P.S. The back of the seat I'm sitting on just fell off... Ow. 
P.P.S. Random fact: I like plaid and beaches but I don't wear plaid to the beach...
P.P.P.S.  It's cool when a hot air balloon floats right above you. :)
P.P.P.P.S. I should stop while I'm ahead (of lettuce) but I shall never be a vegetable so carry on. Really though, I should go. LOL that rhymed.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Another Holiday has Come Upon us

     Day 14                                                                                                                     Tuesday
  As you all know Fourth of July is coming up! That means fireworks, sparklers, friends, family, sugar coated food and all that jazz. 
In our family we like last minute surprises so we still have absolutely no idea what were doing on the fourth;  All I know is that my aunt, Grandma and cousin are all going to be here with us from tomorrow till the fifth.  
In the end everything usually works out though, last year we got lost for about a half an hour before we found our friends.
Every year we go on at least one mini adventure each holiday, but if you would like to stay alive and happy you have to not take anything seriously and just go with it, because if you don't stay calm you get really stressed and then you pass out. 
To tell the truth Fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays, just the other night you could see fireworks through the trees from our back porch and I really don't mind having to listen to them at night even if I can't see them.
  A couple days ago I was reading a book in bed and my Dad came upstairs and said there was something I should see, he called everybody else too and so we went outside on the back porch and you could see the whole valley lit up with hundreds of fireflies and there were fireworks exploding from all different neighborhoods, it was pretty awesome.
One of the coolest things (I think) about the Fourth of July is ever since the movie Tangled came out every year people set off the floating lanterns and every once in a while you can see one floating away. 
Since I probably won't write another post until after the fourth, 
                                                 HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY AMERICA!!!
     Grace Yacht


Monday, June 24, 2013

Oh So Many Germs

     Day 13                                                                                                                        Monday

  Being sick is no fun and probably everyone sometime in there life has gotten sick with something or has allergies of some sort.
Having a twenty four hour virus suddenly take you down out of the blue is a bummer especially in the summertime, I just got first hand experience, Ugh.
I lay on the couch for hours on end feeling as though my stomach was trying to turn itself inside out. (gross right?) Even the tiniest bit of sunlight made my head scream and yell as if it were being stepped on by some large creature and it was impossible to stand up without almost falling over at least three times because I was so dizzy and all food sounded to me as the most repulsive stuff on the planet, and I am not exaggerating at all... well maybe I am but barely. ;)
  So now that I'm over being sick I am catching up on some things, like school, eating, sleep. eating, being outside oh and eating, eating is good.
  The only thing that maybe if you are not too sick that could be good about being sick is you catch up on your reading, I probably read for about four hours altogether in one day, maybe to you that doesn't sound like much but for me that is about double the amount of  reading I do in one average summers day.
     Grace Yacht

Friday, June 21, 2013

Insects Should Have Curfews

     Day 12                                                                                                                 Friday

  No matter what anyone says there has always been such a thing as vampires but we call them by a different name in reality, we all know them very well by the name "MOSQUITOES!" yes these horrible little blood sucking insects have no qualms in keeping you up till one in the morning on a humid night when you are practically dying already, but finally when you have been rescued by a hero and the insect has died a slow and painful death you're still left with twenty thousand mosquito bites. 
The people who think it's cruel to kill bugs should realize that it's cruel to humanity not to kill bugs. 
I don't want to be up this late!

  My opinion on some things.
1.Ditches, marshes, any where there is a possibility of mosquito breeding should be outlawed.
2.Any form of insect repellent is the greatest invention since food. 
3.Do I think insects are gross? No, I think they're evil.
    Grace Yacht

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

We are not Alone in this Universe

     Day 11                                                                                                                          Tuesday

  I have come upon a discovery. 
When ones computer dies all communication dies with it, plus the bonus when you finally get the little piece of technology working again there are about five zillion e-mails, updates and reminders that the internet world has granted upon you in the few days you did not proceed with the daily ritual of checking all your social networks. 
Here's to the people who don't have these problems and actually have 3-d social lives. 
  These high tech phones are kinda scary though, it's like there watching us, "if you wave your hand above me I will react, if you talk to me I will respond, if you take a picture of your face I recognize you, I'm a stalker..."
  I really think technology is trying to take over th.............................

Information classified, computer shutdown in five seconds, self destruct sequence has been activated.

  Sorry about that I couldn't resist after saying all about them watching us and stuff, heh I'm cool like that. ;)
     Grace Yacht


Friday, June 14, 2013

Hurry up and Wait

     Day 10                                                                                                                Friday

  Once upon a time there was a younger girl and an older girl, they went on a walk. (Oh my goodness! This looks like it's going to be a newberry award winner.) When walking back home they decided they were too tired to walk all the way home! (they really are troopers) So the older girl convinced the younger girl to take a short cut. (always the brilliant plan) So they turned off the main road and trod across dale and bounded over hill (they might be kangaroos) until they arrived at a wide river, they walked along beside it until they found a tree that had fallen over the river and they used it to cross over, but when they came to the other side they found marsh land through which beasts had come and ravaged the land.
The two girls did not give up hope though, oh no they plowed on finding a foot hold here and there, trying not to fall into the foreboding waters (glop more like) at there feet. 
Days it seemed they travailed across this bog almost sinking at times and slipping dangerously, when suddenly firm ground lay before them and they slowly crawled,exhausted into there castle in the clouds (because clouds are solid)  there clothes in tatters, there hair filled with burrs and over all covered in mud.
When they had rested and were sitting in there dining hall they told there death defying story to all who would listen and this tale was of such heart ache and bravery it made even the hardest burst forth with rivers flowing from there eyes. (Peoples eyes water when they laugh really hard)  Such is the story of the younger girl and older girl, heed it well. 

Two girls went on a run,
on there way home they said, were done!
A short cut! said the older one,
okay said the other, it might be fun.
The marsh made them realize there journey had just begun.
When it was over they knew they couldn't be outdone,
there tale was rewarded by tears by the ton.

  The moral of this story is don't go trying to take shortcuts if your lazy and live in a random castle that's surrounded by a swamp.
     Grace Yacht


Sunday, June 9, 2013

I'm Tired, What's Your Name?

     Day 9                                                                                                              Sunday
   I think everybody has had one of those days when you're totally and completely wiped and all you want to do is sit and do nothing. 
One day I had been swimming for hours,  gotten up at six thirty in the morning and now had the worst sun burn on the planet, when on arriving home was informed that we were going on a three hour hike that day and I needed to get ready because we were going to leave in five minutes.
I think I can truthfully say that I would have gladly fainted at that moment.
Do you know what total and utter exhaustion feels like? I hope I never have to go thru that ever again in my existence on this planet.
  Cat's have it so good, they can make there whole bodies relax so much that there practically melting. (I'm melting I'm melting! I'll get you Dorothy and your little dog too!) Sorry, sometimes I think I have ADD. ;)
  I am not the type of person who can go go go for a whole day and then the next day keep on going and going, but I am also not the type of person who can go days and days without doing anything social.
If I go days without going anywhere I go loopy. (It happens a lot just ask my family.)
  But back to the previous topic, I after this I will always make sure that we are doing absolutely nothing the next day before I go and get exhausted at a sleepover.
Camping in a tent without any matts or air mattresses whatsoever  leaves you with lots of bruises.
The comment under the picture may seem random but it isn't because sometimes at sleepovers you camp outside...

  au revoir
     Grace Yacht

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Why do we do That?

     Day 8                                                                                                              Thursday

  Heres a list of weird stuff that people (including me!) enjoy.
1. Going to the movie theater
Think about it, you go to a place to and buy a ten dollar ticket to watch a movie, you buy a bunch of unhealthy food that is priced four times what it would normally cost in a store and then you go sit in a chair that about five thousand other people have sat in just because you can not wait two months longer to watch a film that you don't know if you will like or not.
2. Birthday decorations
On your birthday your family comes up to you and says happy birthday! And then there are usually balloons everywhere right? The weird thing about balloons is it's like saying "You were born today! To celebrate heres a colorful sack of my breath!"
3. Fair rides
To have fun you ride a uncomfortable metal contraption that makes you almost puke and you do it over and over again because for some weird reason we think it's thrilling.
4. All nighters
We keep our bodies up for over 24 hours and from one o,clock am to around nine o,clock am your running on nothing but pure energy that we should be saving for the next day, it's like a caffeine high with no caffeine involved, then for the next two days you look and feel like the living dead.
  All these things are rather strange things to enjoy but we still think there awesome (unless your not normal but who is).
     Grace Yacht
  P.S  Music is an essential part of human communication (random thought).

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Plant Life

     Day 7                                                                                                           Tuesday

  Gardening is a lot of work, so is landscaping in general, the past few weeks have been when everyone (that I know at least) has been spring cleaning and replacing things and working on their gardens. 
  Today my family went up and bought a bunch of plants from a nearby green house and I have just one thing to say about green houses, they're like deserts with scheduled rain.
I say this because when your walking along the path because it's so hot and dry if you move one foot you kick up so much dust your almost choked to death and blinded, then you try to escape the sun and go into the actual green house it's not just hot it's humid as well and then the little sprinklers turn on to water all the plants and by the time you leave you are  wet, covered in dirt and have a sun burn.
I guess it's worth it though to come home and plant the vegetables and the flowers so in a day or two you have a neat little garden in your yard.
You feel satisfied when every thing is going really well and you can see the buds blooming and you pick your first tomato or something like that, but then comes the down fall, suddenly all your hard work is smashed to smithereens over just one night.
You go to your garden and the first thing you see is the stalks are broken the flowers have just a stem left and there are little paw and hoof prints left in the dirt, that is the day you find the arch enemies of the gardener, rabbits and deer.
I'm not vegetarian...
They may look all cute and innocent when you look at them but they will ravage everything in your garden when you aren't looking.
Also if one day you find your tomatoes have big holes in them blame the Tomato Caterpillar, they start out small but turn into these monstrous five inch long disgusting green caterpillars that should be killed on sight, give them no chance of escape they must die!
Also (this is sort of off topic) deer can jump really high just so you know make sure you build a cement tower and a moat with crocodiles or sharks whichever you prefer, around your garden if you have deer in the area.
     Grace Yacht

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Life of the Party

     Day 6                                                                                                            Sunday

  Graduation parties,  July is stuffed full of graduation parties and open houses.
I have fun if there is people I know there that are my age, but if the only people you know is the family that invited you you end up sitting (or standing) awkwardly in this little group with your siblings, or even if you do know a lot of people but there all older and it's your siblings that know them and they all go play soccer or some other sport.
Big events where you don't have someone to hang out with are some of the most boring and awkward situations in social history. Here's some that you might relate to, weddings, graduations, new years eve and superbowl parties. But other than wedding I can usually find a couple of people to have fun with. 
  You know you have awesome friends when you go boring places with each other just so you can be bored together. :)
  I haven't written a poem in a while I think I shall compose one right now.
So many parties are flat out awkward,
but parties are for having fun so isn't that kinda backward?
  Some day I will go to a graduating ceremony dressed up as a medieval age viking and go up on the stage and announce "I will now sing the song of my people,  IIIIIIAMMMMAAAWWWWEESSSSOOOOMMME!!!!!"
     Grace Yacht

Friday, May 31, 2013

Let's Pack up and Move to California

     Day 5                                                                                                     Friday

  Thesauruses are fun! For example - humid, muggy, sticky, oppressive, heavy, damp and stuffy are all great words that come to the same thing! That it is a hot, bug infested day, where no living creature can escape the overwhelming desperation to go throw themselves into a pool.
Sad thing is, though everybody feels like this not everyone has a pool.
And even more devastating is that I do not have a pool. I know, it makes your heart cry out does it not? But please for your sake do not let the tears flow so swiftly on my account, I would not wish for your heart to break. 
So here I sit basking in my sorrows instead of on a floaty in the middle of a (it hurts to even think of the word) pool. 
There I have poured myself out before you, I shall go weep in a corner now.
  I don't think I could ever write a tragic romance novel, I think that's as tragic as I can get.
My inspiration to write like Jane Austen has left as quick as it came. Though I still wish we had a pool.
  I'm going to go make a million friendship bracelets now to take my mind off the water... oh I wish I could live in the ocean, don't you? I love swimming it's my favorite sport, I think it should be everybody's favorite sport it's just so amazing...
Yah, I really need to go do something else.
     Grace Yacht

Thursday, May 30, 2013

When it Rains it Pours

     Day 4                                                                                                          Thursday

  I like rain, I know everyone says rain is depressing and makes everything gloomy but from my point of view I think rain makes the world look fresher and newer.
Also I think rain makes you feel sleepy unless your dancing in it and getting utterly soaked, which is exactly what I did. :) 
Another thing, it is really hard to try and get freshly mowed, wet grass off your feet, just sayin', it ends up being spread to the kitchen floor and then ends up back on your feet because you tend to walk on the kitchen floor.
Gravel driveways also become very muddy when they get wet.
  Pet's are very cute and I love animals but a stinky, wet and a very whiny dog that is scared of thunder is enough to give anyone a headache, believe me.
Most things when they have been washed and cleaned smell good! But no not dogs, that's for sure, when dogs get wet they give off one of the worst smells on this planet. 
So if you want some advice, if you have a dog that's bigger than a toaster don't get him wet under any circumstances! 
(I'm most probably wrong to tell the truth but this gives me an excuse to rant about our putrid smelling animal. :)
  Heres a list of things I like about May.
     With it comes flowers because of April showers,
Spring is at it's peak and Spring is my favorite time of year,
May is super easy to spell,
In Dutch it's still really easy to spell (Mei),
School is almost done for the summer
  I have to go enjoy the last days of May now.
     Grace Yacht


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Road Goes Ever on and on

     Day 3                                                                                                          Wednesday
  There are so many things in this world that you can get too much of, for example being in the car for hours on end is something you can get tired of very quickly.
This week I have spent sixteen hours in the car altogether not adding the short trips to the store and other places. 
When all your relatives live in distant far off lands there is much too much driving involved just to visit them for a few days.

Half way there

  Now I'm not saying that five seater cars are all bad but they really shouldn't call them five seater because they really only fit four people and a half, if you actually try and stuff five fully grown people in the seats you end up sitting on top of one another.
The first couple hours of the car trip I think are quite relaxing actually because you can listen to music, catch up on your reading, all that sort of stuff but when your nearing the end of four hours you start to go a bit crazy, wait scratch that you go totally bonkers, loopy, bats in the belfry! 
I shall elaborate on that and describe in detail what happened to my family and I.
  Someone, I will name no names has had the same line of a song stuck in her head for two hours and has been singing it over and over and over again, the person in the front seat is glaring at the people in the back seat and giving them a lecture on how it can't actually be that uncomfortable if we would all stop over reacting, and the person on the other side of you won't stop complaining about how my elbow is in his face. 
If you have ever been in a situation like that you can understand why on arriving I kissed the solid ground.
  If I disappear for a few days I haven't died or been kidnapped I'm just walking to the store.
      Grace Yacht

P.S When life gives you lemons throw tomatoes.

Smells Like Fish

     Day 2                                                                                                                  Tuesday

  Have you ever seen a crawdad before? If not I will explain.
They are small little lobster looking things, that have five thousand little crawly legs, eyes that stick out of there heads sort of like a snails and two big pincers that grab anything that ventures too close.
My first and lasting impression is that they are atrociously ugly and overall rather creepy, but I will admit there is something fascinating about them, like how they swim backwards... that's the only good point that I can think of right now. Sorry crustacean lovers, I'm not the type of person who likes studying things that give you the nails on chalkboard feeling whenever you look at them. 
What's with the sudden interest in crawdads you may want to know? Well when you are fishing in certain spots they tend to grab your line and give it the death hold until you jerk them off and then they go flying into the people behind you. 
Oddly enough they don't seem so frightening if they are holding a dandelion. (Future advice if someone is freaking out over how gross they are.)
  I have made a Haiku on fishing:       
I think worms are gross
rat tail worms are even worse
but the fish like them
  You see your sister sitting in a tree right over the water and you had to do one of the two things below, which one would you choose?
(a) Point and yell bee!
(b) Join her
Think about it, I did, this is what I imagined what would have happened in both situations.
1.  Ahhh!!! She falls over lands with huge splash into the water and comes out dripping with green seaweed hanging from her hair, I get in trouble.
2. Ahhh!!! The branch breaks and we both land with a volcanic splash into the water and come out dripping with green seaweed hanging from our hair, with both get in trouble for doing something so dumb.
  I chose number two, doing something silly together is a lot more fun than doing it alone.
     Grace Yacht


Monday, May 27, 2013

Dentists... Need I say more?

     Day 1                                                                                                                         Monday

  I'm not going to say "Dear Blog" or "Hi Everyone!" because I personally think that's kind of cheesy and I don't even like cheese.
  This blog is going to be about all the little boring things in my life. (Hyperbolized to make them interesting.)  
  I went to the dentist today and got a filling for the first time, actually it was two fillings wich means I had twice as much time to sit and think about how much I would love to pass out that second.
  Problems with the dentist
1. They give you the identical toothbrush as everyone else so you end up using your brothers which is just gross.
2. He tries to have a conversation with you when your mouth is pried half a foot wide and he's poking at least five metal things into your mouth.
3. They have needles
4. They have needles
5. They have needles
I have made a vow never to go to the dentist ever again, it's like paying thousands of dollars to be put through TORTURE
But life goes on and trauma is pushed to the back of our minds, unless were weird and then we dwell on it for years and then turn into evil scientists and try to take over the world.
I might have watched too many movies lately, I apologize if my mind wanders into the unknown. 
     Grace Yacht