Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Smells Like Fish

     Day 2                                                                                                                  Tuesday

  Have you ever seen a crawdad before? If not I will explain.
They are small little lobster looking things, that have five thousand little crawly legs, eyes that stick out of there heads sort of like a snails and two big pincers that grab anything that ventures too close.
My first and lasting impression is that they are atrociously ugly and overall rather creepy, but I will admit there is something fascinating about them, like how they swim backwards... that's the only good point that I can think of right now. Sorry crustacean lovers, I'm not the type of person who likes studying things that give you the nails on chalkboard feeling whenever you look at them. 
What's with the sudden interest in crawdads you may want to know? Well when you are fishing in certain spots they tend to grab your line and give it the death hold until you jerk them off and then they go flying into the people behind you. 
Oddly enough they don't seem so frightening if they are holding a dandelion. (Future advice if someone is freaking out over how gross they are.)
  I have made a Haiku on fishing:       
I think worms are gross
rat tail worms are even worse
but the fish like them
  You see your sister sitting in a tree right over the water and you had to do one of the two things below, which one would you choose?
(a) Point and yell bee!
(b) Join her
Think about it, I did, this is what I imagined what would have happened in both situations.
1.  Ahhh!!! She falls over lands with huge splash into the water and comes out dripping with green seaweed hanging from her hair, I get in trouble.
2. Ahhh!!! The branch breaks and we both land with a volcanic splash into the water and come out dripping with green seaweed hanging from our hair, with both get in trouble for doing something so dumb.
  I chose number two, doing something silly together is a lot more fun than doing it alone.
     Grace Yacht


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